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Fine Foods' commitment to a sustainable future

The MF Milano Finanza Focus Sostenibilità (Sustainability Focus) describes Fine Foods 2022-2025 Sustainability Strategy. Six pillars, six macro-areas of impact around which the Group's commitment revolves: Ethics and Governance, People, Environment, Responsible Supply Chain, Sustainable Products, and Land Development.

The article explains how involving the supply chain in the improvement process is a key factor for Fine Foods. This is equal to 80 per cent of the value of raw and packaging materials ordered from virtuous suppliers, who are assessed based on ESG criteria.

The article describes the ways Fine Foods acts as an expert partner in supporting its customers achieving challenging goals such as reducing their impact on the environment and climate by developing sustainable products, applying eco-design strategies and selecting raw materials and packaging that promote the circular economy.

The article is available at the following link: MF Focus - L’impegno di Fine Foods per un futuro sostenibile

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