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Innovation/ Continuous Improvement

Improvement: Continuous, Cross-Sectional, Intensive

Continuous Improvement in every department is an essential part of Fine Foods’ Competitive Strategy. Numerous Continuous Improvement projects help us to intercept and implement improvement activities that constantly and concretely increase our competitiveness.

The ideal partnership between Problem Solving and Lean Thinking

With the Continuous Improvement Programs, at Fine Foods improvement never stops:

  • Lean Mindset to simplify and optimize the resources
  • Unrelenting assessments to discover improvement opportunities
  • A flexible and proactive organization, with roles and responsibilities shared and clearly defined
  • A dynamic approach to innovation, to improvement and to problem solving
  • Strict cooperation with Controlling to guarantee economic sustainability of programs
  • Cross-functional participation of all company’s departments
  • Support the errors: we learn from our mistake
  • >40
    Active projects
  • >40
    Finalized projects
  • 100%
    Departments involved at all levels

Collaborazioni sinergiche e produttive

Le persone coinvolte

I nostri progetti di CI riguardano tutti i settori aziendali. A ognuno di essi associamo un referente (controller), uno sponsor di progetto e un project leader. La steering committee, insieme a un CI agent, controlla lo stato di avanzamento dei lavori.

Gli strumenti utilizzati

In azienda esponiamo un tabellone che raduna tutti i progetti di Continuous Improvement, condiviso con tutti per illustrare l’andamento e l’estensione dei progetti in corso. Organizziamo incontri di project focus aperti a chiunque sia interessato ad approfondire i temi correlati.

Gli obiettivi fissati

Se ogni anno dedichiamo numerosi progetti al Continuous Improvement, è perché vogliamo organizzare l’azienda in modo che abbia obiettivi ben declinati, un coordinamento ottimale tra le risorse e una razionalizzazione produttiva puntuale e orientata al cliente.

Synergic and Productive Cooperation

People Involved

Our Continuous Improvement project touch every part of the Company and each project has a contact point, a sponsor and a leader. A Steering Committee meet on a regular basis to assess the progress.

The Tools used

A big board, positioned in visible areas of the facilities, captures all current projects of Continuous Improvement, to share with all employees the scope and the progress of each project. Project focus meetings, open to everyone, who can bring value,  are organized on a regular basis.

The objectives

Many resources are dedicated to share clearly with the whole organization the objectives of the numerous Continuous Improvement projects and to obtain the highest level of engagement of all.
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