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Customer and Supplier Privacy Policy

Data Controller

Fine Foods & Pharmaceuticals N.T.M. S.p.A., in its capacity as Data Controller, (hereafter referred to as "Fine Foods") informs you that EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereafter referred to as "GDPR") and Legislative Decree no. 196/03 as amended (Privacy Code), govern personal data protection during processing.

Fine Foods processes personal data based on correctness, lawfulness, transparency and necessity principles, to protect data subject rights.

Under the above regulations, we provide the following information.

Processing subject

We process your personal data as defined by the Privacy Code and GDPR, of which we become aware due to the legal relationship with you.

Processing purposes

Data processing has the following purposes:

  1. performance of administrative and management activities, under accounting, tax and any other obligations imposed by applicable legislation;
  2. fulfilment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations and the legitimate exercise and protection of rights, faculties and interests;

Providing data for the purposes specified in a) and b) is mandatory and its processing, under applicable legislation, may be carried out without the data subject’s consent.

Failure to provide such data will make it impossible for us to fulfil the commitments undertaken towards you and deriving from the existing contractual or pre-contractual relationship.

If you are already our customer, we may send you commercial notifications relating to services similar to those you are already using, unless you disagree (Art. 130 para. 4 Privacy Code).

Processing methods

Data processing will be carried out through the following operations: collection, recording, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, disclosure, deletion and destruction of data.

Your data will be processed using paper and electronic or automated means.

Starting from its receipt/update, your data will be kept for a period consistent with the processing purposes described in the previous paragraph.

Data disclosure and transfer

Your processed data will not be disseminated. However, for the purposes specified in the previous paragraph, it may be disclosed to third parties, including business partners, consultants and freelancers, banks and credit institutions, insurance and financial companies, factoring, leasing, services, credit management and recovery companies, auditors, debt collection companies, public, auditing or supervisory bodies, to comply with legal, regulatory and EU obligations, or for aspects concerning the management and performance of existing and concluded legal relationships with you, or the legitimate exercise or protection of a right, faculty or interest.

Your data will be processed by the following parties:

  • Fine Foods & Pharmaceuticals N.T.M. S.p.A. employees in Italy or abroad who are authorised and trained to process data based on their tasks.
  • External Data Processors under Art. 28 GDPR.

The list of External Data Processors is available at the registered office of Fine Foods & Pharmaceuticals N.T.M. S.p.A.

For the purposes specified in this policy, your data may be disclosed abroad, within and outside the European Union, in compliance with the rights and guarantees under applicable regulations, and without prejudice to verification that the country guarantees an "adequate" level of protection under the GDPR.

Data subject rights

The data subject may request:

  1. a) access to personal data under Art. 15 GDPR;
    b) data rectification if inaccurate under Art. 16 GDPR;
    c) data deletion under Art. 17 GDPR;
    d) processing restriction under Art. 18 GDPR;
    e) the right to object to the processing if the conditions are met under Art. 21 GDPR;
    f) the right to data portability, i.e. receive personal data in a standard structured, electronically-readable format, under Art. 20 GDPR.

For anything not expressly provided for by the specified regulations, refer to applicable Privacy regulations.

Under Art. 77 GDPR, the data subject can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, with its registered office in Piazza Venezia 11 00187 - Rome

For further information on this Privacy Policy or any privacy issue, or to exercise your rights or revoke your consent, please contact privacy@finefoods.it

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