Key inclusion and diversity promoter Fine Foods joins "VALORE D"
Verdellino (BG), 15 June 2022
Fine Foods joined the first Italian inclusion and diversity company network, the "Valore D" Association.
Valore D comprises more than 270 companies and was founded in 2009 by Astrazeneca S.p.A., Enel S.p.A., Ikea Italia Retail S.r.l., UniCredit S.p.A., Vodafone Omnitel N.V., Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Consortium of Johnson & Johnson Companies, Microsoft S.r.l., McKinsey & Company Inc., Italy, The McGraw-Hill Companies S.r.l., Luxottica Group S.p.A. and Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., as associate founding member.
Being a "Valore D" member is a sign of a tangible commitment to equal opportunities, inclusion and anti-discrimination. It requires training and targeted activities throughout Fine Food's employees. The move means that Fine Foods’ management receives cutting-edge tools to integrate diversity and inclusion policies which are part of its "Fine Foods for Future 2025" sustainability strategy.
Fine Foods believes that diversity is a core value that enables it to attract the best talent and show their value as individuals. Such a policy generates employee satisfaction and encourages an innovation-rich and creative environment which responds effectively to future challenges.