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Fine Foods faces a dual challenge

Corriere della Sera – Economia

30 September, 2024

Quality, innovation, and product diversification remain crucial to further growth in the nutraceutical sector, and the development of cosmetics - Fine Foods & Pharmaceuticals N.T.M. S.p.A.’s newest business unit. Along with this, we saw increased production capacity, bolstered by the expansion of the Brembate plant. This brings promising growth prospects for the pharmaceutical division, distinguished by its strong international presence.

With these words, newly appointed CEO Pietro Oriani, who took office just a few weeks ago, emphasised how research, investment, and strategic synergies will be key to ensuring Fine Foods sustains a growth rate that recently doubled compared to its industry peers.

Oriani said: “The goal is to maintain this growth in the coming years, ensuring profitability that aligns with the high standards of our production”.

More details and full article here 

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